Confusing Words
is a collection of words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misusSome of these words are homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled differently) and some are just commonly confused.
lay :to set down or place something
lie :to recline; to tell a falsehood
affect to influence, to pretend (verbs); feeling (noun)
effect a result; being in operation (nouns); to make happen (verb)
Latin. Greek, Frensh, Spanish, Arabic and Chinies….etc.
Algebra ,Zero ,Alchemy Alcohol, Sugar,Cotton, Coffee, Hakim,Jasimen, Magazine ,guide, racket , march, Tarif, Arsenal, orange, Jar, Apricot, Lemonade osque, Musk , and some others
Slang is casual spoken language which differs from dialectical speech and JARGON as well as formal speech. Some linguists think of slang as the sprinkles of color in a language, since slang is often unique, unusual, and sometimes startling. As a general rule, slang is not used in formal spoken language, or in writing, unless the speaker is attempting to achieve a deliberate effect. Some slang terms, however, make the jump from slang to accepted common usage, as was the case with “OK.”
- evil: great; excellent. (Maldito)
Your car is really evil!"
- eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding.
Wow, that girl is truly an eyepopper!"
- face-off: confrontation.
I think it's time we had a face-off."fart
- "flashback: sudden memory. (un recuerdo)
In Little Tokyo I had a flashback to my days living in Japan.
- "flick: movie.
Let's go out tonight and watch a flick.
- "fox: attractive, alluring person.
Is it true that Brad Pitt is a fox?"
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