martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Informal Letter

Dear Christine,

Hi, how have you been? I've been busy these days I believe you are trying to know why I disappeared from the internet. Well, September is an important month for my country because we celebrate the first government meeting, it's like July 4th for you. In Chile we celebrate the whole month listening typical music, it's folklore, we decorate everywhere with Chilean flags, we dance Cueca, drink Chicha, or wine we make barbecues, empanadas as tradition. Cueca is the name of the dance, Chicha is the name of a typical drink, and empanada is similar to pasty pie it's delicious. So, how you can see, I went to many parties in these days we name them Fondas the parties of course. As I told you before we celebrate the entire month but there's a week when we go to Fondas, and fair to enjoy with the family. That’s why you didn't see me connect to the messenger. indeed, I met my family, I went to the fair with them we really had fun there. I hope you do not be worry about me I'm ok.



1 comentario:

Ronda dijo...

Well done! You included all the information and used informal style. Make sure to check your work for grammar and spelling mistakes when you finish writing.