The waiter had have wore a alien costume because he works in a mars' restaurant and the guest is looking at him because he may have wanted to wear a funny costume like him. Or the waiter may not have infected to the guest with swine flu.

They had have practiced for a performance.
They must not have danced so they decided to picked up their guns
The girls may have wanted to kill their teacher

These three guys must have played who jumped further, or the man who was lying on the sofa could have lost a bet and the other guy wanted to see how much weight could resist him, or the man who was jumping may have belived he was a superhero
1 comentario:
Great ideas!
When speculating about pictures that you are looking at you usually use the present tense, e.g.(in the speaking part of the FC exam), unless you are referencing to something that happened in the past.
Present: They must be practicing for a performance. Past reference: The girls may have wanted to kill their teacher.
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