martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Informal Letter

Dear Christine,

Hi, how have you been? I've been busy these days I believe you are trying to know why I disappeared from the internet. Well, September is an important month for my country because we celebrate the first government meeting, it's like July 4th for you. In Chile we celebrate the whole month listening typical music, it's folklore, we decorate everywhere with Chilean flags, we dance Cueca, drink Chicha, or wine we make barbecues, empanadas as tradition. Cueca is the name of the dance, Chicha is the name of a typical drink, and empanada is similar to pasty pie it's delicious. So, how you can see, I went to many parties in these days we name them Fondas the parties of course. As I told you before we celebrate the entire month but there's a week when we go to Fondas, and fair to enjoy with the family. That’s why you didn't see me connect to the messenger. indeed, I met my family, I went to the fair with them we really had fun there. I hope you do not be worry about me I'm ok.



Lost in the dark forest

This summer I went to the countryside with my boyfriend. We rented a house in the middle of the forest. At first everything was gorgeous, but I stood up and I started to look around, and I found a dreadful path. I had never seen something like that before. So, the next day we decided to explore it. We got inside the path when suddenly the forest became dark, frightening and odd things started happening in the deep forest. I could hear animals roaring and people screaming with a painful feeling, and then I felt a cold shivers on my back, I was holding up my boyfriend’s hand when he disappeared. I was lost, scared, and I did not know what to do. I stood up to calm down and looking for my boy when I saw split blood in everywhere……

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Miriam’s disastrous trip

a. What are some things that Miriam definitely should have done before she left on her trip?

she must have investigated how big is the country and which is the nearest place to visit the orangutan, she could have put her guidebook, then she had have booked in a cheaper but good hotel and a car by internet.

b. What are some other things that Miriam could have done to make her trip more enjoyable?

she might have brought some extra money just in case to make her sure if something happen at any time. she may have prepared a plan b if plan a did not work.

c. What should she do now?

she made a trip with one purpose so , she has some options and one of the best is to take the train to make her trip interesting and then change to the bus, she may have been tired by the time she arrive there but she is going to do what she wants to do

Modals in the past

The waiter had have wore a alien costume because he works in a mars' restaurant and the guest is looking at him because he may have wanted to wear a funny costume like him. Or the waiter may not have infected to the guest with swine flu.

They had have practiced for a performance.
They must not have danced so they decided to picked up their guns
The girls may have wanted to kill their teacher

These three guys must have played who jumped further, or the man who was lying on the sofa could have lost a bet and the other guy wanted to see how much weight could resist him, or the man who was jumping may have belived he was a superhero

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009


When I was a child, I used to travel for Santiago and the whole town by bus, and I liked that transportation. I thought it was nice, because I could see everything through the window. But, there were a lot of bad things in that sort of transportation, for example, you had to see all of those angry drivers, or see how people frequently stole to others. With this, I am not saying it is not happening anymore but how our transportation has suffered new changes I do not have to see that very often. Well, since I knew the subway my life change I started arriving earlier to everywhere. I think subway has good and bad things as the bus. Well, for me now the subway has become in my favorite way to travel in Santiago, because it minimizes hours of traveling, and it is sure, the only think I miss about the bus are singers they enjoyed my traveling.