viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009
From: Jeannette Ulloa Toro
Date: December 4th, 2009
Subject: Ideas for the Common Room
The purpose of this report is concerned with your petition about the common room for English students. I did my investigation looking for a comfortable room for us and I considered the following: I did a statistics about how many people are studying English in the university and I did a questioner about what they want to have in the room.
The most convincing argument in favor of the common room is the statistics and the requests that my investigation throws. I realized they are at least 100 people, and their requested are that they need a big room with comfortable coaches, with a lot of light in it, a quiet place, a coffee machine, and some tables, considering that the amount is significant and their schedule in some cases is the same.
I recommend using the room 482 located in the eighth floor. I would recommend the eighth floor because it is one of the quietest places in the building and one of the biggest room. I would suggest to put some couches around the room, a coffee machine in the corner, a soda machine, and also a snack one, the tables required can be round and small and we can put it in the center of it. We also can decorate it with cultural stuffs to give an abroad environment.
There is no doubt about their needs and their petitions are not so much. I think this project is going to work without any problem students will be thankfully with this.
Yours Faithfully,
Jeannette Ulloa T.
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009
The propose of my letter is let you know that your article about the last event in Oldbury has many mistakes. I am one of the members who was arrested for participate in the last demonstration against the by-pass in our town. I just read your article about us, but I have noticed you did not write everything as it happened. I am not sure if you made a mistake or you just wrote your article with the propose to protect the by-pass. Well, let me remind you the article and tell you what you omitted on it.
As you said in your article, we did a demonstration last week where we were protesting against the building of the by-pass for our town. I want you to know what the reasons are for it, one of them as you pointed, is for the extinction of a rare species of snail, but it is also for the destruction of woodland. Second, in your report you estimated at least 200 people who met on the outskirts, but I think you forgot to put a zero because we were 2,000 people protesting.
Continuing with your disaster report, because I can not say anything better about it, you wrote that our protest was not peaceful and we were sitting on the road and chanted slogans at workers and police. Let me tell you that we were very silent at the moment of protest we do not like the other kind of protest. We are hard workers and many of us are residents from here.
I do not know which one was your source of information to do this article and I can notice you were not there. I am one of the person who participated in the entire demonstration until I was arrested and that happened at the end. I can be your main source of this matter. I would like you to interview me to fix this huge mistake against to us and moreover for our environment.
Yours faithfuly,
Jeannette Ulloa

1. - Do you know what is global warming?
2. - What do you do to prevent the global warming?
3. - What do you think are the worst causes that affect the environment?
4. - Does your country do something against to the global warming?
5. – Do you know if the government supervises the factories that have a huge rate of pollution?
6. - What is the place that shows more pollution in your city? Why?
7. - Is your country a recycling place?
8. - What do you do to help the environment?
9. - Do you know what are the consequences the global warming does with your your health?
10. - Now, knowing that this planet is your home, how can you help and make other people take care of your home?

We are able to combat the crime. Everything starts at home, so parents are the first people who instruct them to become in good people respecting the property of the others. We need to push people who make the law to change it, and we need to think that every criminal is different and as different they need other kind of penalty, and the latter should be rough.
As citizens we have the obligation to report if we are getting involve in a crime, for example: if there is a group who is breaking everything we can call the police, if we know that a member of our family is becoming in a criminal we should go with an specialist who can give us some advices about it and we can take the problem away. We need to stop to be a victim or passive people who never do nothing it is a community problem and all of the battles can be win if we are together.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Letter 2
hi how are you been? I've been missing you. Well, the other day I went to Caburgua to a meeting, but I stayed for a week the meeting was for just one day and as you know every time I try to take all of the oportunities I have, so I remmebered when we went there two years ago before you left the country. I enjoyed the place as we did. I rode a horse, I did canopy, I went to swim in the middle of the night because last time we wanted to do it but we couldn't because we were so drunk in that moment, but now I did and next time you come back to Chile we both have to do it ok.
Well I visited and I took a lot of pictures everywhere, because I remembered last time we lost the camera and we couldn't take any picture, so I am going to send you all of my pictures.
Although you weren't here you were by my side eating, enjoying, laughing, drinking and moreover having fun because you are like my brother and I wish you were here.
PS: send me your new phone number and some gifts ok.
I just receive your letter this week. It was a great news because I did not expect I could win a prize, because I have been thinking it has gone two weeks so did not win. Anyways, how i did not expected the prize I have not had arranged anything, so at least I need an entire month to organize myself and my documentation to go abroad and I think on July first could be a good date to travel.
Considering you asked me which kind of accomodation I would like. Well I prefer tents because I have had previous experience with those, I think it is going to fill my supplies there. So thanks for ask me.
About activities I would prefer swimming as first instance, I like to get relax in the water. I have been a good swimmer all my life because in my country there are a lot of rivers and lakes and in my holydays I always go to the countryside to camp and swim as my favorite activity. And my second option it is photography, I think you already have a notice about me I love nature and I love taking pictures to all of the places where I have been.
Before to go there, I would like to know how much Iwill spend there or how much I need because I do not want to be a cheap. About the clothes I know it is going to be summer or already it is but as you know the wheather is differnet in every place so I would prefer you to tell me about that.
Yours sincerely
Jeannette Ulloa
martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009
Informal Letter
Hi, how have you been? I've been busy these days I believe you are trying to know why I disappeared from the internet. Well, September is an important month for my country because we celebrate the first government meeting, it's like July 4th for you. In Chile we celebrate the whole month listening typical music, it's folklore, we decorate everywhere with Chilean flags, we dance Cueca, drink Chicha, or wine we make barbecues, empanadas as tradition. Cueca is the name of the dance, Chicha is the name of a typical drink, and empanada is similar to pasty pie it's delicious. So, how you can see, I went to many parties in these days we name them Fondas the parties of course. As I told you before we celebrate the entire month but there's a week when we go to Fondas, and fair to enjoy with the family. That’s why you didn't see me connect to the messenger. indeed, I met my family, I went to the fair with them we really had fun there. I hope you do not be worry about me I'm ok.
Lost in the dark forest

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
Miriam’s disastrous trip
she must have investigated how big is the country and which is the nearest place to visit the orangutan, she could have put her guidebook, then she had have booked in a cheaper but good hotel and a car by internet.
b. What are some other things that Miriam could have done to make her trip more enjoyable?
she might have brought some extra money just in case to make her sure if something happen at any time. she may have prepared a plan b if plan a did not work.
c. What should she do now?
she made a trip with one purpose so , she has some options and one of the best is to take the train to make her trip interesting and then change to the bus, she may have been tired by the time she arrive there but she is going to do what she wants to do
Modals in the past

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009
When I was a child, I used to travel for Santiago and the whole town by bus, and I liked that transportation. I thought it was nice, because I could see everything through the window. But, there were a lot of bad things in that sort of transportation, for example, you had to see all of those angry drivers, or see how people frequently stole to others. With this, I am not saying it is not happening anymore but how our transportation has suffered new changes I do not have to see that very often. Well, since I knew the subway my life change I started arriving earlier to everywhere. I think subway has good and bad things as the bus. Well, for me now the subway has become in my favorite way to travel in Santiago, because it minimizes hours of traveling, and it is sure, the only think I miss about the bus are singers they enjoyed my traveling.
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
Travel Stories Kerri's Costa Rican Plunge
2.- Why was kerri afaid of jump ?
3.- What did kerri want to prove with her jump ?
4.- What did she think about herself and her risky feat?
5.- Was patrick annoyed because she jumped?